The APO-USA National Alumni Distinguished Service Award recognizes those alumni who have continued to further the principles of Leadership, Friendship, and Service beyond their college years in Exceptional ways. Article by Joselito Caparino / Eta ’01
I was not asked to say a word. If I were, I knew I couldn’t have uttered “Thank You” without tripping on the syllables and triggering tears.
Thus did Brod Maximilio “Mel” S. Gonzales, Jr. (RP Eta ’73 / US Gamma Beta ’85) say in an email sent to all brothers and sisters in Alpha Phi Omega after he received the prestigious National Alumni Distinguished Service Key (DSK) Award, the highest honors handed by APO-USA to a brother in Alpha Phi Omega.
Captions by Brod Mel: On stage with the Gamma Beta (San Jose State University) chapter Boston convention delegates; I went to SJSU for a couple of years (1984-85) during the time the chapter was being reactivated; Gamma Beta processed my APO-USA active and life membership applications; I am most gratified in sharing the pride for the DSK award with my American chapter mates and with APO-Philippines and my APO-Eta chapter mates
Said award was given to Gonzales during the Fellowship Banguet of the APO-USA 40th Biennial Convention held last December 28, 2008 in Boston.
Captions by Brod Mel:Brother Tony Ploughe, Region XI (Northwestern U.S.) director, an APO-USA delegate to at least two (2) APO-Philippines biennial conventions, is wearing the various levels of the DSK awards system, as follows: Light blue ribbon is for chapter DSK, Green ribbon is for sectional DSK, Red ribbon is for regional DSK, Dark blue ribbon is for the national DSK
The National Alumni Distinguished Service Award recognizes those alumni who have continued to further the principles of Leadership, Friendship, and Service beyond their college years in Exceptional ways. The key is given in recognition to alumni for outstanding service to the community, not just to the fraternity.
APO-Philippines national president Magleo “Mel” V. Adriano, Eta ’69, congratulated Gonzales on his well-deserved honors.
“You brought honor and prestige not only to yourself but to the whole APO Philippines,” Adriano said.
Gonzales is at the forefront of the Dr. Librado I. Ureta Foundation that envisions to put up the Dr. Librado I. Ureta Center for Alpha Phi Omega. He also handled key positions in APO Philippines in the past.
“It was all too much for the humbled me. Much is expected of one given much,” said Mel Gonzales.